Thursday 9 March 2017

Week 2 Meeting


Our theorist: Bernie De Koven


Our rules for our game:
  • Move like an animal
  • Eyes closed
  • You can only say "Marmalade"
  • Walk like a crab
Go home stay home
Hide and seek


A ludic game, modelled on 'Octopus'

The seagulls have eaten too much human litter, and they've gone blind. If they eat enough crabs, they can see again.

In a narrow strip of grass, everyone lines up on one side
Choose a few people to be seagulls. These people stand in the middle of the playing field with their eyes closed, with the aim of catching as many crabs as possible.

To begin the game, the seagulls yell out "Marmalade" and then the crabs begin to run across the playing field, sideways, to the other side. The seagulls can run around with their arms out wide and eyes shut, attempting to 'catch' (tag) as many crabs as possible as the crabs run across. If they catch 3 crabs, they can open their eyes and see again. The seagull can then keep catching crabs until all of the crabs are out.

When the crabs have got to the other side and are ready to run again, they shout out "Marmalade" to let the seagulls know to expect them again. The game ends when all of the crabs have been caught.

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