Monday 27 March 2017

Sophie's game idea

Aim of the game: To get as many of your species of frog back to its homeland. Or for the rat to wipe out as many of the frogs as possible.

To win: 
Frogs: to have the most frogs at their homeland by the end of the game. Could be a draw.
Rats: to wipe out the frog species (once each species has one or less counters left, the rats have won)
(Frogs cannot continue to breed unless they have 2 of their kind on their island).

Players: 3-5. 5 for the perfect game

- Everyone begins on the starting island with 4 of their coloured counters each.
- Rats get 2 dice rolls and move this number of spaces, but each rat can only move a minimum of 3 places per turn. Rats get one more roll to try and get a chance card. If they roll a 1, they pick up the card and follow what it reads, if no 1 is rolled, the next player has their turn.
- Frogs get 1 dice roll and move this number of spaces. Each frog can only move a maximum of 4 places per turn, unless they manage to land on an island or rock, which allows then to move the full dice roll length. Frogs roll the dice again to try and get a chance card. Roll a 1 and they pick on up, if not, the next player has their turn
- Rats and frogs must take chance cards from their own species piles. These could be positive or negative things
- If a rat lands on the same space as a frog, the frog dies.
- A frog is safe once it is at it's home island.
- Rats cannot eat frogs until they are off the starting island.
- The first person who gets the most frogs back to their

User testing photos:

- Cards should be frequent and both positive and negative, or infrequent and all positive
- The islands could be safe zones. But maybe if you spend too long on the island, the rats can eat you

Chance Cards:
1. Your species likes to hide under rocks. Whenever you are on a rock, you are immune
2. While catching a ride on dad's back, one of your frogs falls off. Move one frog back to starting island
3. Your small size means you cannot move as fast as you would like to. Move each frog one space closer to starting island
4. This species is the smallest native frog. The rats cannot see you so you are immune for one round

1. You get mixed up with Maud Island Frog as you look identical. Switch places with one Maud Island Frog of your choice
2. You get eaten by your predator the Tuatara. Choose one frog to die
3. Wow you're the largest native frog! Use your size and move each frog one extra space
4. Your frogs reproduce. if any of your frogs have died, bring one of them back into the game as a new frog. Begin on starting island

Maud island:
1. Catch a ride on dad's back! Move one frog to the same space as another one of your frogs
2. You use your chemo signals to communicate with another species. Move one frog onto the same space as another species of your choice
3. You use your mouth to catch some nutritious prey. Move one frog forward 2 spaces
4. Oh no! You caught a deadly disease. One of your frogs dies.

1. It's day time but your frogs are nocturnal, so they are asleep. Miss your next turn.
2. The strong forearms on your male frogs allow it to jump to the nearest rock or island. Choose one frog to move.
3. This species is the only native frog to have a tadpole stage. One of your frogs uses its tadpole swimming skills to move 2 extra spaces
4. Your frog's camouflaged colouring means the rats cannot see you for one whole round. (Round immunity)

1. You got stuck in a current. Move one of your rats back to starting island
2. Your rats reproduce. You have gained one extra rat. Place it on starting island.
3. You catch a disease and kill the frog closest to one of your rats. Pick which rat to kill a frog.
4. You use your maximum breath hold of 3 minutes. Move 3 extra spaces


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