Sunday 26 March 2017

Harrys game idea

Aim: To get your frog family home alive.

  • Each player controls two frogs, you can only move 1 out of your two frogs per turn.
  • Frogs move 1 space per turn & roll 3 times.
  • 1 player is the Rat and controls four characters. 
  • You are only allowed to move 1 rat per turn, rats move 3 spaces and draw 1 chance card. 
  • If a rat lands on a frog, that frog is out.
  • Islands are safe zones.
  • Frogs must reach their home island. 

Dice rules:
  • lightning bolt - Move extra space.
  • Chance card - Draw a chance card: Chance cards can be used immediately, kept for later or used continuously. They can either be helpful or give you a disadvantage.
  • Rat trap - Can place a trap beside one of your characters. Traps stop rats if they move on top of them, they are also unable to move for one turn.   
  • Re-roll - Can reroll one of your dice rolls.
  • Card swap/steal - Either swap a card with someone or force another player to give up one of their cards. 
  • Skull - nothing

Chance card rules:

Rat cards

  • Intimidate - frogs have 1 less roll per turn. 
  • Random shuffle - activate any time swap spots with a frog.
  • Munchies! - Can jump over islands.
  • Rat race - Can move 2 rats per turn. (last 2 rounds)
  • Strong swimmer - Move two extra spaces.
  • Big boi Steve! - Immune to one rat trap.
  • Boat ride - Travel to the nearest island, miss next turn. 
  • 1080 - miss your next turn.
  • Sense of smell - Can eat frogs on islands. (last 2 rounds)
Frog cards
  • Yummy stench - rats can move 1 extra space towards you. (last 3 rounds)
  • Leap of doom - jump 5 spaces. (Frog is stuck for one turn)
  • Island hop - travel to the nearest island.
  • Silent Sharon - Rats can't move in your direction. (last 3 rounds) 
  • Lucky day - 2 extra rolls.
  • Chemosignal - Swap places with another frog. 
  • Slippery Suzie! - extra life... if a rat lands on your character, they move back 1 space.
  • Saving Grace - Revive your teammate. (start at home base)
  • Stuck in the mud - Move your other character. (last 3 rounds)

Feedback: Our first trial of the game was successful but there was a lot of rules that needed adjusting. Firstly the layout of the map needs more attention in terms of having enough routes for the rats, it wasn't as fair and challenging for all players. Some of the dice rules needed to be more clarified, such as the rat trap and the card swap. Also, the re-roll rule was weak and could be replaced with a different rule. Lastly, some of the chance card rules were either super overpowered or didn't actually work that well, needs alterations.  

Teacher response:

  • Change the islands to lily pads/logs, (can't support the weight of rats) and the dots act as rocks. 
  • Turning it into a big scale board game. 
  • Tree stump as home base.
  • Landing on islands gives you power-ups. 
  • Rocks can be moved around. 

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