Tuesday 14 March 2017

Project Context

Mode of engagement:
We are aiming to use a Paidia type game, therefore unstructured and very little rules.

Target audience:
5-8 year old, inquisitive children.

Meta context; NZ native frogs:
New Zealand native frogs are very rare, with all four species still remaining either endangered or vunerable. They possess qualities unlike most other species of frogs in the world. For example, most frogs don't go through the stage of being a tadpole! The frogs have no external eardrums, produce limited vocalisations (no croaking) and instead use chemosignals to recognise and communicate with other frogs. These qualities provide exciting precedents to teach the children in KCC about the native frogs, as well as interesting aspects of the body to work with in terms of movement and activities.

One of the causes of the frogs extinction is the introduction of non-native animals; rats have been seen to be predating on frogs, and others cause damage to the frogs' habitat. By allowing the children participating in the game to connect and empathise with the frogs, they can learn more about the Pest Free NZ initiative that the KCC is raising awareness of.

Allow the children to find a friend in the world by using only their 'chemosignals'- no talking!

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