Thursday 30 March 2017

Thoughts while playing our new game

Its hard to keep track of cards that last for more than one round

Do rats HAVE to move 3 places each round?
-Yes. They can go back and forward if they want to

We need to rethink the board structure. Currently the rats can just go and sit waiting near each frog's safe zone as there is only one path to get there.

Could eat character have stats cards? Like Top Trumps

The rats need a way to die

What happens when frogs land on rats?
- Frogs can jump over rats, but if they finish their move on a rat then they die.

What happens when a frog is on a rat trap and a rat lands on that space too?
- The rat still dies

What will the mega power ups on rat islands be?
- The ability to control that rat from that islands' movement each turn instead of the rat choosing where to go

Should the log power ups be first in first served?
? At this stage yes.

Is there a limit of how many rat traps a frog can hold onto it?
- No

How do we even work out the winner??
?  The first player to get both of their frogs back onto their safe islands wins. But, if no player manages to get both frogs back then the winner is the player who got one frog back to the safe island first?

Is there a limit on how many rat traps a frog can place on each turn?

Do both your frogs get the log power ups or just the frog that got to the log first?
- Both frogs to make it easier to remember 

Could we have a place where all the cards in play sit? Could be moved up each round (cards that last for 3 rounds)

Why have we made the logs safe zones for the frogs?
- Because logs have hiding spaces that rats cannot squeeze into to reach the frogs??

Maybe we need a FAQ section in the rules

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