Thursday 16 March 2017

Further Idea Iteration

We like the idea of the giant dice, and pitting the kids against the parents, as the parent are able to mediate and not cheat so much, playing to the kids level. Ensures that the kids are all happy.
We could have two/three die, and each face of each dice has a different symbol on it (so for two die, 24 combinations) which affect the players in different ways. Say getting

Beat the rats to the island/waterfall before they come and destroy the habitat. If the rats get there first they win the game. Obstacles, and playing cards (you stub your toe, move back two spaces). Different safe areas along the way (to the first island, where you get a breather and the rats can't go)

The mission is to beat the rats (parents?)
Reach the end and stay alive

We could have two parts, a board game first, that the outcome of determines how the physical game will begin. If the board game ends with one frog in control of the most resources, the following free play game begins the same way. They can also be played exclusively, if the weather is bad or the time to play is short.
Where you finished up could determine which creature you were, like Kings and Assholes. The position you are in gives you an advantage.

Could there be four frogs, one of each species, and they are all trying to get back to their own territories, everyone else could be rats, who are trying to stop/eat these frogs, and one or two cats who can eat both frogs and rats. If everyone is trying to extinct the frogs, it makes the plight of them seem even more real.
Could they spend the week before making papier maché masks of whichever animal they would be? This would immerse them into the environment and make them feel emotionally invested in the game.

A game like Stonewall, where players move from one side of the board to the other and back again, trying to make the route more difficult for everybody else while they go.
When our frogs reach the other side, they can collect their friend frogs on their back to return them to the safety of their island.

King of New York game research into the art style:
A currency system like the one used here?

P.S. I found this frog in the holidays, squashed on the tarmac and flat as a wafer. Could this be one of our dice outcomes?

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