Tuesday 14 March 2017


- baby frogs
- swimmable rivers (the animals don't know what's swimmable)
- fresh water
- tent forts
- live board game
- 3D puzzle - birds inside predator, fish inside plastic - made out of recycling
- App with virtual reality - see wildlife in the night
- frog movement jumping game
- sneaky frog game - silent, night time (think spotlight?)
- finding frogs in the dark
- algae (didymo) growing vs conservation team
- eel migration
- game to do with catching undersized fish/ eels
- water walking spider - catching fish in the nighttime, if you're stuck you turn into algae
- pick an animal that kids are normally scared of - spiders or eels - and make not scary
- boatmen
- freshwater bugs
- hiding game - emil the eel
- kingfishers catching crabs
- whitebait, river pollution
- viva piƱata

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