Monday 20 March 2017

Games to inspire us

Things in existing games that could have potential in our game:

Mouse Trap
- a physical way to become trapped

Survive: Escape from Atlantis
-multiple ways of escaping the island that's falling apart, to safety - swim, boat, but there's enemies along the way
- could be a case where you choose your own escape route/ route to frog safety

- different 'weapons' / ways to die

- You control and are in charge of multiple counters
- try to get all of your frogs all home
- each colour could represent a species

Story Cubes:
- Clear easy to read symbols

- Chance cards have both positive and negative outcomes on them. -The idea that sometimes the unexpected can happen despite all efforts

- Simple coloured card system makes it easy for children to follow where to go on the board

Settlers of Catan
- Having physical little 'houses' that they can build up from resources or points -could be safe zones?

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