Thursday 30 March 2017

Game cards

After each creating our own games, we combined the best parts from each game into a new one. We used the cards from Hannah, Harry and Sophie's games as we play tested the new game. Surprisingly most of the cards worked. Below is a list of the cards that worked for our new game, adapted for our new game.

😀 = Positive for the receiver
😐 = Neutral for the receiver (could be positive or negative)
😞 = Negative for the receiver

Frog Chance Cards
Works for any frog species:
1. Super Jump 😀
Jump forward 5 places.

2. 1080 Drop 😀
The rat misses it's turn and another frog player moves 2 spaces closer to the starting island.

3. Boing 😀
Hop 3 spaces.

4. Stuck in the Mud 😐
You must only move one character for the next 3 rounds.

5. Nasty Nip 😞
A rat can move 3 places.

6. Lost the Scent 😞
Miss your next turn.

7. Yummy Stench 😞
One rat can move 1 extra space towards you for 3 rounds.

8. Leap of Doom 😀
Jump 5 spaces. You must only move your other frog on the next round.

9. Lucky Day! 😀
You get 2 extra rolls this round.

10. Bouncer 😀
Move 3 spaces

11. Island Hop 😀
Choose one frog to travel to the nearest log.

12. Chemo Signal 😐
Use your chemo signals to swap places with another frog of your choice.

13. Slippery Suzie SAVE CARD 😀
Extra life. If a rat lands on your character, they move back 1 space. Single use only.

14. Sneaky Sausage SAVE CARD 😀
Every time a rat moves in your direction, move your frog 1 space.

15. Saving Grace 😀
Revive a frog if one has died. Place it on the starting island.

16. Silent Sharon *needs to be worked on? 😀
Rats cannot move within a one space radius from each of your frogs for 3 rounds

17. Sly Steve 😀
Steal a rat trap from another player, if possible.

Specific for Archey's:
1. Catch a Ride 😞
While catching a ride on dad's back, your frog falls off. Move one frog back to the starting island.

2. Reproduce 😀
If any of your frogs have died, bring one back to life as a new frog. Place it on the starting island.

3. Tiny Tim 😀
This species is the smallest native frog. Rats cannot see your for 1 round.

4. Small Sally 😞
Your small size means you cannot move as far as you would like to. Move each frog one space closer to the starting island.

Specific for Hamilton's:
1. Big Betty 😀
Wow you're the largest native frog. Use your size to move each frog forward 1 place.

2. Chomp 😞
You get eaten by your predator the Tuatara. One frog must die.

3. Mix Up 😐
You look identical to Maud Island frog and get mixed up. Switch places with a Maud island frog of your choice.

4. Yummy 😀
You eat your favourite food - fruit flies. Move 4 extra spaces.

5. Stay Wet 😐
Your species dries out if it doesn't stay damp. If any of your frogs are on logs or islands, move them to the nearest rock so they can get wet.

Specific for Maud Island:
1. Deadly disease 😞
Oh no you've caught a deadly disease. One frog must die.

2. Munch 😀
Your species uses it's mouth rather than it's tongue to eat. You catch some nutritious prey. Move forward 3 spaces.

3. Family fun 😀
Catch a ride on dad's back. Move one frog to the same space as your other frog.

4. Communication 😐
You use Chemo Signals to communicate with another species. Move one frog onto the same space as another frog species of your choice.

5. Mist 😀
It's a cool misty evening, which is your species' favourite. Move forward 2 spaces.

Specific for Hochsetters:
1. Tadpole 😀
This species is the only native species with a tadpole stage. Use your swimming skills to move 1 frog 3 extra spaces.

2. Nocturnal 😞
It's daytime but your frogs are nocturnal so are asleep. Miss your next turn.

3. Super strength 😀
The strong arms of your male frogs help it to jump to the nearest log. Move one frog.

4. Invisibility 😀
Your species' camouflaged colouring means that the rats cannot see you for one round. (Round Immunity)

5. Freeze! 😞
Your species stays motionless as a defence mechanism. Choose one frog to stay stuck for your next turn.

Rat Chance Cards
1. Stuck in a current 😞
Move one rat back to a rat starting island.

2. Super smell 😀
You can eat frogs on logs for 2 rounds.

3. Rat Run 😀
Move each rat one space.

4. 1080!  😞
Miss your next turn.

5. Multiply 😀
Your rats reproduce and you have gained one new rat to begin on a rat island.

6. Intimidate 😀
All frogs have one less dice roll for one round.

7. Boat Ride 😐
Choose one rat to travel to the nearest log. The journey takes awhile and you miss your next turn.

8. Strong Swimmer 😀
Move one rat two spaces.

9. Big Boi Steve SAVE CARD 😀
Immune to one rat trap of your choice.

10. Big lungs 😀
You use your maximum breath hold of 3 minutes. Move one rat three spaces.

11. Rat Race 😞
Only move 2 rats on your next turn.

12. Munchies 😀
You can eat frogs on logs on your next turn.

13. Shuffle SAVE CARD 😐
Swap places with a frog of your choice .

14. Dirty Rat 😀
You catch a disease and kill the frog closest to the rat of your choice.

15. Rat King 😀
One rat can scuttle 5 places.

16. DOC 😞
The Department of Conservation kills one of your rats. Choose one rat to die.

More card ideas:
- The ability to build more rocks onto the playing board?
- Switching log power ups with another player?

All the cards fall into some more simple categories:
- Lose a frog
- Gain a lost frog
- Move forward
- Move backward
- Switch spots
- Join spots
- Log jump
- Miss a turn
- Extra rolls
- Immunity
- Move rat
- Begin again
- Only move one character

- Gain a rat
- Lose a rat
- Begin again
- Move forward
- Miss a turn
- Eat frogs on logs
- frogs lose a roll
- log jump
- immunity
- only move some characters
- switch spots
- kill frog

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