Tuesday 23 May 2017

Play Test/To Do

Play Test Notes – 21/5/17 Thanks to Tanya and Chaz for playing the game, even though none of us could make it!

No dice!!!

Seats for kids who don’t want to sit on ground

Got into origami

Rules need some ambiguity work. Frogs giving power-ups from cards to other frogs. Engagement in game was great

Rat traps – add some more cards to the pack.

Sticks for logs was good

KCO gives cards out so kids don’t forget to pick one up?

Kids were playing rat and frog, chasing other people.

KCO Plays the rat? Random roll/spinner plays the rat?
Roll the dice to move all rats (played by no-one?)

Paper bits blew away

Language of cards was funny
Sometimes too much/long text

Don’t need white dots underneath on map. “Lay out a path like this” and a map.
Clear spaces for where the islands definitely go.

Have items made to play with, but also natural environment items like sticks and rocks

Make felt board imitate visual language of cards.
Stitch on canvas or embroidery? Make sure that it feels cohesive and designed.
Branding and graphic elements – acrylic rat traps, embroidery, appliqué
Use a biscuit tin etc. to keep the little pieces in nicely.

How many rats do you need to have
Didn’t work out how to use Rat traps. Didn’t know to put them on the board.

Space on your island for cards that last a turn

Move a trap card? Put traps on the board some places from the get-go?

Stitch down a row of traps on islands so that you know they’re safe from rats (that’s what DOC does)

Very playable, kids got into it

Photos from Tanya/ Chaz:

Things to do now:
Finish cards
Print cards
3D Islands?
Reiterate rules & origami

Things to do soon:
Bag for game to be gifted in
Photos of game
Photos of run-through

Things to do later:
Play run-through video

Edit write-up from week 6

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