Tuesday 16 May 2017

Further Rules Iteration


Origami or square paper, coloured pencils/felts


Frogs: Get as many of your frogs as you can to your home island.
Rats: Eat at least one of each species of frog. The game is over when this happens.

Frogs begin on the volcano.
Rats begin 1 rat per rat island.
The frog sitting to the left of the rat starts.
Put the islands, volcano and logs in their corresponding places on the board
Put all of the felt pebbles on the white dots to create the board

There is a board, a large dice, ___ frog cards, ___ rat cards, 22 rat traps, 120 pebble tiles, 6 log tiles, 4 rat islands (red), 4 frog islands (yellow, purple, blue, orange), and a starting volcano island.

Each Turn:
On your turn, move your frog a total of 3 spaces (can be split between frogs), and pick up 1 chance card from the frog pile. You must then act on this card immediately. 

On your turn, move EACH rat 3 spaces, and pick up 1 chance card from the rat pile. You must then act on this card immediately. 
To kill a frog, you must land on top of it, skipping over it does not count as a catch. If a frog finishes their turn on a rat, the rat kills it.

You must move your 3 spaces on your turn, you cannot skip.

If a frog finishes their turn on a log, they get to roll the power-up dice before they pick up their chance card. They act on the power-up that they roll immediately.

Power-up dice:
5: jump 5 rock spaces
X: pick up 3 rat traps
Rock: move any rock on the board to a new position
<3: If one of your frogs has died, bring it back to life! (Starting on the volcano) 

Rats cannot go on the frog islands because DOC will catch them, but they can go on the volcano.
If you are a frog and you land on the rat island, you can control a rat! Move any rat 6 places (can be split between rats).

Rat traps:
Frogs gain rat traps from the power-up dice or chance cards which they can place on the rocks directly next to them. These catch but do not kill rats, but stops them from moving any further on that round if they land on it. Once the rat has been stuck for one round, the trap is removed. If there is a trap and a frog on the same rock, the rat cannot kill the frog for that turn. There can only be one rat trap per rock. You can place traps on top of a rat. A rat cannot jump over a rat trap.

To bring a frog back to life you have the choice to trade in 10 rat traps.
If both of your frogs are dead, or one is dead and one has reached the home island, frogs can roll the power up dice every turn. If you roll a heart you can bring one frog back to life, starting on the volcano

For more/less players:
Each game needs to have at least 1 rat player.
4 player: 3 frog players (1 kingdom each), 1 rat player (controlling 3 rats)
5 player: 4 frog players (1 kingdom each), 1 rat player (controlling 4 rats)
6 player: 4 frog players (1 kingdom each), 2 rat players (controlling 2 rats each)

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